Obesity ‘worse for teen girls’ blood pressure’ – BBC News

The researchers from the University of California say the link may be counteracting the known protective effect of the hormone oestrogen on the heart.

Dr Rudy Ortiz, who led the study, said: “Overall, there is a higher likelihood that those who present with both higher BMI and blood pressure will succumb to cardiovascular complications as adults.

“But the findings suggest that obese females may have a higher risk of developing these problems than males.”

Dr Ortiz said the significant difference between boys and girls could be explained by exercise levels.

“Obese adolescent females participate in 50 to 60% less physical activity than boys in the population surveyed.”

BBC News – Obesity ‘worse for teen girls’ blood pressure’

Jamie Oliver: This obesity strategy is a cop out | guardian.co.uk

As expected, I’m far from impressed with the government’s empty, pointless obesity strategy. It’s clear they don’t know what to do and are incapable of any vision.

Simply telling people what they already know – that they need to eat less and move more – is a complete cop out. The country’s bill of health is shocking, and it’s not going to get any better over the next 30 years if a clearly-defined plan isn’t put into place soon. We simply can’t afford the financial or health costs of doing nothing.

This whole strategy is just worthless, regurgitated, patronising rubbish. Any of us could walk into any primary school in the country and find plenty of eight-year-olds with more creative solutions to these problems. It’s a farce.

Education is the key here. We need to give people the knowledge to be able to make better choices before we start making empty noises about encouraging people to eat better food. I have seen myself that giving practical information and teaching within schools and communities can make a real difference. We need more practical help and less hot air.

Jamie Oliver: This obesity strategy is a cop out | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk