Al Sharpton Is A Bigot… Against Fat People | The Smoking Gun

Al Sharpton

Over the past several months, Sharpton has regularly singled out fat followers for the kind of ridicule that he himself once endured. For example:

* During a March 29 address, Sharpton recalled running into a former classmate from Brooklyn’s Samuel J. Tilden High School. But the woman, now pushing 300  pounds, was no longer the physical specimen of her youth, a fact that made Sharpton rueful. “Ain’t nothing worse than ruining your life over somebody that don’t look that good anymore.”

The woman, Sharpton recalled, “was slim, trim, the finest girl in Tilden.” Now, however, “she obese,” added Sharpton. The reverend then followed with the observation that, “Every fine girl is two big Whoppers away from being obese.”

* On April 5, Sharpton told of an upcoming community fashion show being organized by his daughter Ashley, and noted that some women, due to their size, would not be able to participate.

Mimicking a passed-over candidate, Sharpton said, “Why Ashley didn’t have me model?” He answered himself, “’Cause you too fat! We doing full-body size, but we ain’t doing the oversize.” He added that “jumbo” women would not make the cut.

After laughter subsided, Sharpton noted, “Since I lost weight I talk about fat folk real bad. I like keeping fat folk around me so I can just talk about them.”

* On the day before Easter, Sharpton mocked women anticipating a candy score the following day.  “As old as you are… you overweight, obese, got diabetes looking for some corn candy and jelly beans.” He added, “Talk about the resurrection, you gettin’ ready to have a crucifixion if you eat them jelly beans.”

Later in his address, Sharpton recalled that the last time he flew coach was a 1994 trip to South Africa with other preachers. He recalled being stuck in a middle seat between “two of the fattest preachers” on the trip.

* Chiding a portly aide during remarks in late-April, Sharpton said, “I know how to make you jog. All I got to do is just put a fried chicken sandwich right here.” As he said this, Sharpton mimicked holding the sandwich on a stick as a lure. “And you’ll run as far as I got that chicken sandwich.”

* While urging followers in late-May to attend a rally against Boko Haram at the United Nations, Sharpton said, “A lot of y’all ain’t doing nothing but going to lunch. And most of y’all don’t need no lunch. Y’all need to walk over to the UN and lose some weight anyhow.”

* During June 28 remarks, Sharpton recalled once ridiculing a female diner who ate across from him at Sylvia’s, the Harlem soul food restaurant. After watching the woman devour half a fried chicken, two sides, and dessert, Sharpton recalled, “I just got mad.” When the waitress asked if she wanted anything else, the woman “had the nerve” to ask for a cup of coffee with Sweet’n Low,” said Sharpton. “So I couldn’t take it anymore and said, ‘Miss, lemme ask you something. All of that you took, what do you need Sweet’n Low? I mean, you just make yourself feel better? You might as well pour the whole bag of sugar in the cup.”

via Al Sharpton Is A Bigot… Against Fat People | The Smoking Gun.

Pageant mom fed daughter tapeworms so she would lose weight


A pageant mom in Florida is the subject of an upcoming episode of Untold Stories of the E.R. after forcing her daughter to ingest tapeworms in order to slim down for competition.

Upon checking into the emergency room with severe stomach pains, nurse Maricar Cabral-Osorio thought the teen was pregnant. But an ultrasound showed no fetus — although there was an inexplicable growth in her intestines.

Recounted and reenacted for Discovery Fit & Health’s anything-but-subtle medical scare docudrama, the unfortunate teenage contestant’s condition became clear upon a fateful trip to the bathroom.

“It was a toilet bowl full of tapeworms,” Cabral-Osorio recalled.

“It was so gross and she had pooped all these tapeworms. There were a couple that were very long and wiggling around trying to get out of the toilet bowl.”

Having passed the parasites, the teen was then assumed to be fine. But one question remained — how did she get the tapeworms in the first place?

After an apparent fight between the mother and daughter, it became clear the mother bought a pill of tapeworm eggs in Mexico and forced her daughter to take it to lose weight for an upcoming pagent.

“We were wondering how did she get those tapeworms, and then you saw the mom turn white,” Cabral-Osorio said.

“The mom was apologizing to the girl. It’s like ‘I’m so sorry. You know, I did it just to make you a little skinnier. You needed some help before we went on to the pageant.”

It is unclear when the incident occurred or if criminal charges were brought against the mother.

via Pageant mom fed daughter tapeworms so she would lose weight – Breitbart.

Rep. DeLauro: Tax Every Teaspoon of Sugar

Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) introduced this week the Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Tax (SWEET Act), which aims to institute a tax of one cent per teaspoon – 4.2 grams – of sugar, high fructose corn syrup or caloric sweetener.

The measure (HB 5279), introduced Wednesday says, “A 20-ounce bottle of soda contains about 16 teaspoons of sugars. Yet, the American Heart Association recommends that Americans consume no more than six to nine teaspoons of sugar per day.”

Even though the manufacturers’ of the sweet drinks are targeted to pay the tax, the text of the bill itself notes that the goal is to reduce public consumption through a price increase.

“This Act is intended to discourage excessive consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages by increasing the price of these products and by creating a dedicated revenue source for programs and research designed to reduce the human and economic costs of diabetes, obesity, dental caries, and other diet-related health conditions in priority populations,” the measure says.

DeLauro had earlier discussed the proposal while she was crafting it.

During a video presentation for The National Soda Summit in June DeLauro said, “It is long past time that we pass and support policies that work to our better health instead. With that in mind I’m working on legislation right now to tax sugar-sweetened drinks, like sodas, in a way that reflects the serious damage they are doing to our health.”

via Rep. DeLauro: Tax Every Teaspoon of Sugar | CNS News.