Michelle Obama’s Childhood Obesity Let’s Move Campaign Helps Bullies

The first lady would be horrified by the idea that her Let’s Move campaign, which is dedicated to creating an America without any fat kids, is a particularly invidious form of bullying. But that’s exactly what it is, says Paul Campos.

Michelle Obama spoke movingly last week at a press conference about how parents agonize over the pain bullies inflict on children. Maybe she should talk to Casey Heynes about that. Heynes is a 16-year-old Australian fat kid who according to his father has been bullied for years by classmates about his weight. A few days ago, some of them decided to record their latest attack on a camera phone.

The first lady would, no doubt, be horrified by the suggestion that her Let’s Move campaign, which is dedicated to trying to create an America without any fat kids, is itself a particularly invidious form of bullying. But practically speaking, that’s exactly what it is. The campaign is in effect arguing that the way to stop the bullying of fat kids is to get rid of fat kids.

The whole Let’s Move campaign is like a Tea Partier’s fever dream of wrongheaded government activism. Now, as a liberal, I believe that government activism is often justified. For more than a generation, this idea has been attacked relentlessly by conservatives, and now the Tea Party movement is subjecting it to fresh assaults. Given our political climate, it’s more important than ever for liberals not to assume that a particular government initiative to stop something from happening is a good idea. Rather, we need to be reasonably certain that a) the something in question is actually happening; b) we know why it’s happening; c) we know how to stop it from happening; and d) the benefits of stopping it from happening are worth the costs.

Michelle Obama’s Childhood Obesity Let’s Move Campaign Helps Bullies – The Daily Beast

How Europeans defy obesity to live longer

Life expectancy in Europe is increasing despite the obesity epidemic, with people here living longer than those in the US, an analysis of trends over the last 40 years suggests.

The findings published in the International Journal of Epidemiology appear to mitigate concerns that rising life expectancy in high income countries may falter in the face of obesity-related health problems.

How Europeans defy obesity to live longer – World News, Frontpage – Herald.ie