Skip Dessert? Christie and Huckabee on First Lady’s Side

In the dessert wars, at least, Chris Christie and Mike Huckabee side with Michelle Obama, not Sarah Palin.

Some conservatives, notably Ms. Palin, have mocked Mrs. Obama’s campaign against obesity, particularly in children. But on separate Sunday morning news programs, Mr. Christie, the New Jersey governor, and Mr. Huckabee, the former Arkansas governor — both Republicans — defended Mrs. Obama, and Mr. Christie put his answer in personal terms.

“I think it’s a really good goal to encourage kids to eat better,” Mr. Christie said on “Face the Nation,” on CBS. “You know, I’ve struggled with my weight for 30 years, and it’s a struggle. And if a kid can avoid that in his adult years or her adult years, more power to them, and I think the first lady’s speaking out well.”

Skip Dessert? Christie and Huckabee on First Lady’s Side –

Food treats ‘can lead to obesity’

Parents who give their children food to quieten them down could be setting them up for a lifetime of weight problems, a study has revealed.

The widely used tactic can lead to a bad diet in adulthood, low self-esteem, comfort-eating and eating disorders, while it will also teach children to use food as a “source of solace” which fills an emotional void, research conducted for Slimming World suggested.

According to the YouGov study, those who recalled receiving food as a reward during childhood were more likely to have an obese BMI than those who were not given such handouts – some 34% compared with 25%.

The Press Association: Food treats ‘can lead to obesity’

Stress Does Not Affect Pregnancy But Obesity Does, Studies Show

Women stressed or tense about becoming pregnant are urged ‘not to worry’, unless they are obese, new studies suggest.

Studies found that obese women notice pregnancy complications due to the added weight and its affect on the reproductive system.

Additionally, the study suggested that obesity may cause irregular menstrual cycles, irregular ovulation cycles, and in some cases, infertility.

Stress Does Not Affect Pregnancy But Obesity Does, Studies Show | Daily Health Report

Hersha Howard busted for beating up roommate Jasmin Wanke over Thin Mints Girl Scout cookies

A Florida woman allegedly went ballistic on her roommate because she believed the woman had gobbled her Girl Scout cookies.

The 31-year-old Naples resident allegedly first attacked Jasmin Wanke around 1 a.m. while she was sleeping – launching an angry rant about missing Thin Mints, Wanke told authorities.

The two argued about the cookies, then Wanke claims Howard – who according to the police report weighs 400 pounds – jumped on her and hit her in the face. They fought until Wanke’s husband pulled them apart.

Hersha Howard busted for beating up roommate Jasmin Wanke over Thin Mints Girl Scout cookies

America’s Portly Pet Problem

According to the University of Georgia’s College of Veterinary Medicine, the obesity problem in pets is almost equivalent to problems from smoking in human medicine, the Journal reported.

Coral Springs Animal Hospital offers new therapies to help animals lose weight. They’re using an underwater treadmill, originally designed to help animals with limb problems.

“It certainly helps for the buoyancy of the water to help them to be able to stand up for longer periods of time and be able to walk for longer periods of time,” explained Shayne Garnder from Coral Springs Animal Hospital.

The Journal also found that pet health insurance policies are now paying out millions of dollars in costs related to obesity problem. The Binnion family will shell out thousands of dollars for their cat’s health problems from obesity.

“It’s obviously not covered by insurance,” said Binnion. “So it’s a $2,000 a year expense for overfeeding your cat.”

America’s Portly Pet Problem « CBS Miami

Monkeys Fattened Up to Study Human Obesity

Like many these days, Shiva sits around too much, eating rich, fatty foods and sipping sugary drinks. He has the pot belly to prove it, one that nearly touches the floor — when he’s on all fours, that is.

Shiva belongs to a colony of monkeys who have been fattened up to help scientists study the twin human epidemics of obesity and diabetes. The overweight monkeys also test new drugs aimed at treating those conditions.

“We are trying to induce the couch-potato style,” said Kevin L. Grove, who directs the “obese resource” at the Oregon National Primate Research Center here. “We believe that mimics the health issues we face in the United States today.”

Monkeys Fattened Up to Study Human Obesity –

Campbell Soup Co. plans to fight hunger, obesity

The Campbell Soup Co. is planning to spend $10 million to fight obesity and hunger among children in Camden, N.J., where the company has its headquarters.

The city is among the nations poorest. One study found that nearly 40 percent of its children are obese — well above the national rate of 32 percent.

The company says it will work with several other groups to try to reduce those problems.

Campbell Soup Co. plans to fight hunger, obesity – BusinessWeek

More than one in 10 of the worlds population is obese

More than one in 10 of the worlds population is obese – more than half a billion adults – and rates have doubled since 1980. The biggest increases are in the richer nations but almost every country has seen rates rise.

Fastest growing: US

Slimming down: Italy

Fattening up: UK

South America’s biggest: Chile

World’s thinnest: Bangladesh

Fattest on earth: Nauru

How tiny Nauru became worlds fattest nation – Health News, Health & Families – The Independent