Women accused of hiding merchandise in body fat

EDMOND, OK — Two women are arrested for shoplifting and police say they used their bodies to conceal the goods. Edmond police authorities say it was at the Edmond TJ Maxx that loss prevention officers found the duo stuffing items under their belly fat and breasts.

They say they took four pair of boots, three pair of jeans, a wallet and gloves; $2,600 worth of store merchandise.

Ailene Brown, 28, and 37-year-old Shmeco Thomas were arrested for shoplifting and are facing felony charges.

Officer James Hamm said, “These two were actually concealing them in areas of their body where excess skin was, under their chest area and armpits.”

Fat Thanks to Lell G. for the tip!

Women accused of hiding merchandise in body fat – OrlandoSentinel.com

Sarah Palin: Americans Have “God-Given Right” to Be Fat?

Americans don’t usually get fitness advice from Sarah Palin, but last week the mother of five lashed out at Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” program to help curb childhood obesity by helping kids eat well and stay active.

“Take her anti-obesity thing that she is on. She is on this kick, right. What she is telling us is she cannot trust parents to make decisions for their own children, for their own families in what we should eat,” Palin said on Laura Ingraham’s national radio show.

“Instead of a government thinking that they need to take over and make decisions for us according to some politician or politician’s wife’s priorities, just leave us alone, get off our back, and allow us as individuals to exercise our own God-given rights to make our own decisions and then our country gets back on the right track.”

The “God-given rights” Palin hopes to protect apparently involve not having to listen to healthy eating advice, learning about portion size and encouraging kids to play more sports and watch less TV.

Sarah Palin: Americans Have “God-Given Right” to Be Fat? – Health Blog – CBS News

First Lady Launches Let’s Move: Faith and Community

First Lady Michelle Obama took her Let’s Move initiative to the next level by launching Let’s Move: Faith and Communities, an effort to more actively engage faith-based and community organizations to help combat childhood obesity.

“All of you know how to empower people and empower them to make positive changes in their lives and for their families,” noted the First Lady. Joining Mrs. Obama in the launch were representatives of several national faith-based and community organizations, all of whom are already familiar with “the epidemic of childhood obesity in America today.”

Noting that one in three children in this country is either overweight or obese, Mrs. Obama related to launch participants by noting that “you’ve seen what’s happened when unhealthy children grow up to be unhealthy adults, struggling with issues like diabetes and heart disease.”

First Lady Launches Let’s Move Faith and Community | Political News and Opinion for African-Americans on Politic365

Should Parents Put Fat Babies on Diets?

Pudgy cheeks that once drew “ooohs and aaahs” are eliciting “ughs” from some parents who have struggled with their own weight issues and fear their children will toddle along the same path.

“I have seen parents putting their infant and one-year-old on diets because of history in one parent or another,” said Dr. Jatinder Bhatia, who chairs the nutrition committee of the American Academy of Pediatrics and is chief of neonatology at the Medical College of Georgia in Augusta.


fat baby

Prince Chunk Dies: Famous 44-Pound Fat Cat Found Dead In Sleep

Prince Chunk, the cat who became famous when an animal shelter weighed him at 44 pounds, just shy of a world record, died in his sleep last Sunday.

Prince Chunk was found wandering a neighborhood in New Jersey in 2008 after his owner was foreclosed on. A new family took him in, but MSNBC reports in this video that the 10-year-old feline suffered from heart disease.

Prince Chunk Dies: Famous 44-Pound Fat Cat Found Dead In Sleep (VIDEO)

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Fight obesity to fight ailments – The Times of India

From heart disease to high blood pressure, urological complications to those related to pregnancy, obesity attracts a whole lot of ailments, doctors said Friday as India observed the Anti-Obesity Day.

As of 2008, more than 20 million people in India suffered from obesity.

Said Hrishikesh Pai, a gynaecologist: “Studies point to the fact that women who suffer from obesity run the risk of infertility and also have a higher risk of pregnancy-related complications.”

Fight obesity to fight ailments – The Times of India

A short history of U.S. obesity drugs

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is reviewing Orexigen Therapeutics’ experimental weight-loss drug Contrave, the last of three prescription diet pills up for U.S. consideration this year.

The agency will release its staff’s assessment of the drug on Friday before a public meeting on the drug December 7.

Following is a list of approved obesity drugs, others that were discontinued, and those awaiting approval.

Factbox: A short history of U.S. obesity drugs | Reuters

Turkey skin: More good fat than bad, and other Thanksgiving truths

It’s that time of year again when some people try to take the fun out of Thanksgiving dinner by highlighting just how many calories the average American will be consuming in this one, very special meal. It completely overshadows the fact that the individual, traditional components of this feast have some true health benefits and with some simple techniques can be prepared in a tasty AND healthy way. It’s worth a reminder of what we’re eating (in moderation) is truly good for us.

Turkey skin: More good fat than bad, and other Thanksgiving truths – The Chart – CNN.com Blogs