Obesity? It’s those sickly, tiny pots of light yogurt that gross me out

The Marie Claire writer thinks that all fat people just need to stop putting food in their mouths, but she does not take into account factors such as genetics, and disorders such as thyroid disease or polycystic ovary syndrome or depression.

This is a magazine that made its name championing the rights of women, but here it is spouting the lie that if only we were thin, we’d be happy.

If only we joined the gym and detoxed and ate Special K morning, noon and night – ooh, and had plastic surgery (despite my best efforts when editor of this magazine, I was never able to get these advertisements banned) then, and only then, will we deserve to be loved.

Obesity? It’s those sickly, tiny pots of light yogurt that gross me out | Mail Online

liz jones

Maura Kelly on Mike and Molly – Overweight Couples on Television – Marie Claire

So anyway, yes, I think I’d be grossed out if I had to watch two characters with rolls and rolls of fat kissing each other … because I’d be grossed out if I had to watch them doing anything. To be brutally honest, even in real life, I find it aesthetically displeasing to watch a very, very fat person simply walk across a room — just like I’d find it distressing if I saw a very drunk person stumbling across a bar or a heroine addict slumping in a chair.

But … I think obesity is something that most people have a ton of control over. It’s something they can change, if only they put their minds to it.

Maura Kelly on Mike and Molly – Overweight Couples on Television – Marie Claire