Being obese has long been linked to infertility in females, but researchers may have been wrong about how the link was forged, a new study suggests.
Study Clarifies Obesity-Infertility Link – US News and World Report
Being obese has long been linked to infertility in females, but researchers may have been wrong about how the link was forged, a new study suggests.
Study Clarifies Obesity-Infertility Link – US News and World Report
Obesity caused due to fatty diet can directly speed up the progression of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), according to a study at The Saban Research Institute of Childrens Hospital Los Angeles.
Diet-induced obesity speeds up leukaemia – The Times of India
Babies, toddlers and pre-school children sleeping less than 10 hours a night are more likely to be overweight as they age.
Experts believe that lack of sleep causes one to feel hunger and crave calorie-rich snacks during the day, reports Daily Mail.
The Hindu : Health / Medicine & Research : Sound sleep insures against obesity among kids
More than one third of school-age children in Shanghai are overweight or obese, and the proportion is continuing to grow, a health expert said.
Anyone who’s seen the documentary Supersize Me is likely to remember Morgan Spurlock’s food decay experiment.
But further examination revealed that fat and salt could be the actual ingredients keeping Mickey D’s grub pristine well beyond the point when real food breaks down.
McDonald’s Doesn’t Rot Because of Fat, Not Preservatives | TakePart – Inspiration to Action
Many people prefer not to tell anyone about their surgery plan, as they feel embarrassed. “I personally think it’s less to do with evidence and more to do with slight moralism; ‘well, you should be able to lose weight in other ways'”, Clinical Psychologist Frances Carter told NZPA.
Experts Claim Obesity Surgery is Helpful for Overweight People | TopNews United States
In the largest study of childhood obesity ever conducted in the city, 40% of kindergartners through eighth-graders – more than 250,000 kids – were found to be too heavy.
Big study of childhood obesity shows 40% of New York City students are too heavy
Teenagers who don’t get enough sleep are more likely to eat fatty foods, increasing their risk of obesity, according to new research.
With childhood obesity on the rise, parents are looking for new ways to keep their kids active. Now, more kids are getting some one-on-one fitness time from personal trainers to get in shape and get their weight under control.
Parents Turn to Personal Trainers to Help Kids Fight Childhood Obesity – Eye on Parenting – CBS News
Many Americans have skewed perceptions when it comes to their weight, often believing they are thinner than they really are, even when the scales are shouting otherwise, a new poll finds.
Thirty percent of those in the “overweight” class believed they were actually normal size, while 70 percent of those classified as obese felt they were simply overweight. Among the heaviest group, the morbidly obese, almost 60 percent pegged themselves as obese, while another 39 percent considered themselves merely overweight.