Krispy Kreme Cheeseburger: Health Food’s Enemy, Junk Food’s Sweetheart

San Francisco Chronicle, the treat—Wisconsin State Fair’s version, anyway—weighs in at 1,000 calories. If that’s not enough for your arteries to chew on, chocolate-covered bacon is available for an extra dollar, says the Milwaukee, Wisconsin Journal Sentinel’s Cailley Hammel. Still want those fries?

Krispy Kreme Cheeseburger: Health Food’s Enemy, Junk Food’s Sweetheart | TakePart – Inspiration to Action.

Asparagus, garlic and artichokes ‘could help fight obesity and diabetes’ – Telegraph

Scientists are examining whether a diet rich in certain types of fibre can suppress hunger and improve the body’s ability to control blood sugar levels.

Foods such as garlic, chicory, asparagus and artichokes are known as fermentable carbohydrates, which are thought to activate the release of gut hormones that reduce appetite.

Asparagus, garlic and artichokes ‘could help fight obesity and diabetes’ – Telegraph.