In the controversial video, Arbour says, “Fat shaming is not a thing. Fat people made that up. That’s the race card, with no race.” She goes on to justify her point in the spirited, six-minute video.
In the YouTube community, where acceptance has flourished and users are prompted to share their own stories (including the high-profile, celebrity-driven “It Gets Better” campaign), the video’s backlash was not unexpected.
Whitney Way Thore, star of TLC’s My Big Fat Fabulous Life, took issue with the video and posted a response of her own, which has gained about 50,000 views. The response was first spotted by CNN.”Fat shaming is a thing. It’s a really big thing, no pun intended. It is the really nasty spawn of a larger parent problem called body shaming, which I’m fairly certain everybody on the planet, especially women, have experienced,” Thore says.
Source: Comedian shut down after ‘Dear Fat People’ goes viral