Spreading Fat Stigma Around the Globe

In Mexico, the latest anti-obesity public health campaign shows people with bulging stomachs eating greasy food.

“I have always thought that it’s your own fault,” said Sergio Miranda, 35, who has a shoeshine stand in Mexico City. “People eat just things that make them fat, like bread and pizza.”

Mr. Miranda said he did not really notice whether his clients were fat or not. But he does when he is wedged in a crowded city bus.

“The fatties take up a lot of space,” he said. “People are annoyed. It’s uncomfortable.”

At a time when global health officials are stepping up efforts to treat obesity as a worrisome public health threat, some researchers are warning of a troubling side effect: growing stigma against fat people.

Fat Thanks to Brian F. for the tip!

Spreading Fat Stigma Around the Globe – NYTimes.com