Thanks to Democratic Congressman Tim Ryan, salad may soon be added to the list of government-enshrined responsibilities. Yes, salad.
The Salad Bars in Schools Expansion Act, which was introduced by the Ohio congressman last week, aims to increase fruit and vegetable consumption by school-age children. It would create a grant program to install salad bars in public schools across the nation.
This, the congressman says, would be the “easiest” and most “effective” way to meet the new nutrition standards of the USDA for schoolchildren. Instead of merely hoping that kids will pick up a pre-packaged salad and not chicken nuggets, a salad bar would give them the opportunity to load their plates with foods they enjoy — that is, assuming they enjoy eating salad. And assuming no food fights ensue.
There could be worse ideas. And unlike First Lady Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move!” initiative, there are no strings attached. Schools would apply for grants. Those selected would be chosen on a “competitive basis,” with priority given to schools having “not less than 50 percent of the students [who] are eligible for free or reduced lunches,” schools in “food deserts,” or schools that “already provide nutrition education to students.”
Source: Ohio Congressman Pushes Salad Bars in Schools | The Weekly Standard