Happy Meal toy hating Councilman Leroy Comrie loves fast food too much, his wife says – NYPOST.com

If you want a big example of how not to eat, just take a look at City Councilman Leroy Comrie, his wife told The Post.

The super-sized Queens Democrat seeking a ban on McDonald’s Happy Meal toys is himself a cautionary tale on the consequences of scarfing down too many Big Macs, Marcia Comrie said.

“He doesn’t do it in front of me — he knows it’s the bane of my existence,” she said of her 335-pound husband’s fast-food-devouring ways. “But the results are there for anyone to see.”

Fast-food restaurants would be forced to yank toys from any kids meal with more than 500 calories, under the bill Comrie introduced yesterday — a measure he says will steer children to healthier options and help them avoid his fate.

Comrie’s wife, 54, a vegetarian who “does yoga and watches every morsel” she eats, said the councilman eats healthy at home but cheats when he’s out.

“He’s not averse to healthy eating,” she said. “He actually enjoys when I make him a wholesome breakfast, and he likes when I cook him tofu.

“But by lunchtime he could be having spare ribs — or a Big Mac.”

Happy Meal toy hating Councilman Leroy Comrie loves fast food too much, his wife says – NYPOST.com